An unstoppable trend that opens up completely new business areas for those who recognize it
Vending machines for high quality disposable e-cigarettes Easy to use, hardly in need of explanation, quick and can be enjoyed almost anywhere – we are talking about disposable e-cigarettes, the booming trend that has long been popular in all walks of life.
Accordingly, more and more business people from a wide variety of industries are using their great opportunity to benefit from the currently largest business area in the extremely lucrative world of passionate smokers and discerning connoisseurs by providing high-quality e-cigarettes.
As a specialized manufacturer of vending machines with many years of experience, we have been able to make it our mission with great success to supply our customers, who come from a wide range of different industries, with high-quality vending machines.
With our 1470 x 655 x 1030 large vending machines for disposable e-cigarettes, which can be filled with a variation of 11 different types and a total of 240 e-cigarettes, we enable our customers to sell their own customers in a wide variety of establishments with a very to enrich the special enjoyment experience.
Our 2060 x 750 x 800 vending machines even include 50 different types with a total of 1500 single-use e-cigarettes.
excellent selection made up exclusively of the best e-cigarette brands that the market has to offer. So far, the use of our vending machines has proven to be extremely worthwhile for our customers in many respects.
In particular, because these can also be easily consumed in closed rooms in accordance with the legal provisions.
Accordingly, when using e-cigarette machines, there are regularly circumstances that represent a very big win-win situation for everyone involved. Our machines not only contribute to a proven longer retention time, but also offer you an additional lucrative source of income through various participation models, which we would be happy to arrange with you in detail and individually. Our customer base and the associated possible applications, in addition to many other areas of application, include from shopping centers to restaurants and clubs to cinemas and hotels.
In addition to the extended offer that comes with the provision of disposable e-cigarettes to refine your main service in your establishment, we are happy to offer you another lucrative service. Because via our vending machines, which are equipped with a very stable 32-inch full HD display with a resolution of 1920*1080, we are also happy to offer you advertising space to draw attention to your service or product and your customer base expand effective advertising.
We also attach great importance to the highest quality of our vending machines in all security and payment aspects as well as in relation to customer-friendly usability. Starting with our excellent DCM5 identity verification device, which you can use in relation to
• Age
• Birth date
• Validity Date
• and ID card numbers
a reliable and fraud-proof check is guaranteed in order to only allow those who are entitled to purchase disposable e-cigarettes in accordance with the legal provisions.
Linked to the payment option via Girocard, debit and credit cards, which enable the user to pay easily, securely, conveniently and without contact.
In addition, the payment terminal and the powerful software behind it is not only
• Approved by a large number of German network operators,
• Can be flexibly configured with regard to its MDB interface for different controls and equipped with a stand-by mode that reduces electricity costs, but in addition to its multi-currency and multi-language capability due to the extremely durable and weather-resistant nature
• Can be used for both indoor and outdoor use.
If you are interested, we will be happy to send you further technical information on our payment terminal in a separate and very detailed handout. We will be happy to offer you thorough advice – appropriate to your local circumstances – and will be happy to assist you if you have any further questions or if anything is unclear. Feel free to contact us at any time by telephone or e-mail if we can be of assistance to you with regard to the various possible uses of our disposable e-cigarette vending machines. We look forward to hearing from you!